

I offer a wide variety of opportunities for learning.  Keep an eye on my Calendar for upcoming workshops, and if you are interested in any of the offerings listed below, please feel free to
contact me!

Vocal Authenticity

Creative Voice Sessions to unleash your wild embodied voice

This unique vocal opportunity integrates movement and sound as a means to quest for your truth, your essential nature, and the full range of your human expression.  It offers a chance to dismantle blocks, fears and limitations with a powerful dose of playfulness and to refine your vocal instrument with practical skills and technique.  Exploring your voice is a way to reveal, heal and open the heart.

No previous experience is necessary.  An inspiring path for teens too!
Sessions are $60-$75 Sliding scale
Private group sessions and workshops also available
Newly added, Skype sessions available!
For more info or to schedule a session please contact me!

Vocal Coaching

There are many, many ways to use the voice.  I offer coaching on how to use the vocal anatomy to its fullest potential, allowing my students to sing a variety of styles, from pop, rock, Western classical, and jazz, to Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Balkan, Roma, Spanish music, and beyond.  My vocal coaching sessions are tailored to suit your goals and intentions!  As with Vocal Authenticity above, no previous experience is necessary, and coaching is available for people of all ages.

Sessions are $60-$75 Sliding scale
Private group sessions and workshops also available
Newly added, Skype sessions available!
For more info or to schedule a session please contact me!

Flamenco Singing and Rhythm

I also offer lessons in the passionate art and language of Spanish Flamenco.  With over 15 years of study in this complex and beautiful art form and more than 10 years of experience as a professional Flamenco singer, I love to share this art form in any way I can.

For students of any level I teach Cante (the singing), Compas (the rhythmic core of the art form), and Palmas (the rhythmic hand clapping accompaniment).  I also offer beginning level party style dance, and for intermediate and advanced students, coaching on the complex conversation between dancer, singer, and guitarist in Flamenco’s structured improvisational format.

For more information on my Flamenco world, go here.

Public workshops and private individual and small group lessons available
Newly added, Skype sessions available!
For more info or to schedule a lesson or workshop please contact me!

Flamenco Arts Education Curriculum for Children

I love to create Flamenco Arts Education curriculum for children of all ages.  I never cease to be amazed by how the rhythms, heart-filled expression, and fiery passion of Flamenco inspire youth of all backgrounds and ages, giving them an opportunity to experience hands-on cultural diversity, cooperative social and community building skills, and creative expression through body and voice in rhythm.

Here’s a little clip of the some brilliant young creatives from the Appalachia mountains!

I have worked extensively with Carlota Santana’s Project Olé, bringing flamenco to schools across the United States so that the next generation will have exposure to this unique and beautiful form.

Expressive Arts Education for Children

I have found that the expressive arts are an amazing way for children to learn a wide variety of skills.  It gives them a chance to grow in social interactions, to enjoy learning about other cultures and histories, to explore the magic of the natural world, and to begin to tease out their unique gifts and interests and develop them, to list a few.  I love to create opportunities for children to engage in this way, and there are a wide variety of contexts where this is possible, from workshops to after school and home school groups.  If you find yourself with an inspiring idea around how the expressive arts may be incorporated for the children in your life, please contact me, and we’ll see what kind of magic wants to unfold.

And if you’re looking for brilliant inspiration around home school curriculum and alternative education, my work and apprenticeship with Sage Hamilton is a rich resource.

Creative and Embodied Transformational Programs

Since I was a teen I have been apprenticed to uncovering and exploring the wisdom of the body and how it can lead ever deeper into health, truth, connection and a deeper way of knowing myself and bringing who I am into the world.  I am proud to say this has cumulated in my certification as a SomaSource®.  This work has been crucial in shaping who I am today, and giving me a vast tool kit for alchemizing life’s ups and downs into gold.

What is your relationship to the potential inside of you?  What are your unique gifts?  Where do you find yourself stuck?  How do you relate to your own body and its wisdom?  Do you feel well equipped to deal with the change that is inevitable in life?

For the creative and embodied transformational programs I am involved in check out my work with Melissa Michaels, Wild Life Productions, and Golden Bridge.

© Golden Bridge